Jimmy’s Blog

Boosting Your Productivity in 2021

Boosting Your Productivity in 2021

Whenever you’re working on several aspects of a project at once, it’s tempting to attempt remarkable feats of multitasking. You might consider talking on the phone while answering an email or sorting through files while listening in on a virtual meeting. This might seem like productivity exemplified, but it’s actually a harmful practice that diminishes your total output.

Books to Better Your Career This Year

Books to Better Your Career This Year

With 42 percent of the U.S. labor force working from home, and a nearly unimaginable 81 percent of the global workforce having had workplaces fully or partly closed, it may seem like time to curl up and watch television. But think: You may have no commute, and if you go to an office it may be quiet and less stressful. It’s the perfect time to think about how you’d like your career to progress when the world reopens. Here are some books–some new, one classic–to get you focused on the future.

Best Productivity Apps

Best Productivity Apps

Everyone has heard the same old song and dance. Work smarter, not harder. Stop spending so much time on social media. Don’t waste time in meetings. Sure, this is all good advice, but it may not be realistic for everyone. Some people need an approach to productivity that isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” method. That’s where productivity apps come into play.

How To Create Positive Relationships Between Your Coworkers Remotely

How To Create Positive Relationships Between Your Coworkers Remotely

A right working environment isn’t achievable if your colleagues don’t possess the following elements: trust, respect, self-awareness, inclusion, and empathy. These elements are not for your staff mates, but also you should check yourself. It’s a collective thing and, therefore, give and take situation. Here’s how to create positive relationships between your coworkers.

6 Ways To Appreciate Remote Workers

6 Ways To Appreciate Remote Workers

Remember the last time someone appreciated you for doing a fantastic job? How did it feel? Awesome, right? Every worker needs a pat on the back. Recognizing the efforts of employees can motivate them to perform better next time. Additionally, appreciation instills a...

The Importance of Being a Role Model to Your Employees

The Importance of Being a Role Model to Your Employees

Every big and small business manager acts as a role model for their staff. Their attitude and behaviors towards work and colleagues set the standards of what is expected from others. If a manager treats everyone with respect and delivers exceptional service to...

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Some people might think of intelligence and emotions as being from two separate realms: rational and fact-based, and the other subjective and difficult to measure. However, in the 1990s, psychologists began using the phrase "emotional intelligence" to describe people...

How to Cope With Stress While Leading Remotely

How to Cope With Stress While Leading Remotely

The stress of moving to remote work is more significant than most realize. A sudden, unwanted change is enough to throw any leader off their game, but managing the stress from the change is a must. Using the strategies below to help you cope will, in turn, help to...

How to Support Your Team During COVID- 19

How to Support Your Team During COVID- 19

Organizations with a caring culture for employees makes them feel included in their company. Employees always remember how employers made them feel. An organization that treats its employees as a family ensures their health and safety is a top priority. An employer...