If you work for an office with a flexible structure or simply work remotely full time, you may be wondering how to best maximize your productivity when working from home. At home, it’s easier to get distracted as there are many non-work related tasks for you to give attention to. If you’ve been struggling to get your work done when working from home, try these four tips to become more efficient.
Split your day into chunks
Your brain is only truly able to focus on a task for 90 to 120 minutes before it needs a break. Keeping this in mind, structure your day into four or five 90-minute blocks with a 20-minute break following that. These breaks help us to recharge and ensure we can work on the next task with the highest level of efficiency. During those blocks of time, choose one task to devote your time towards. While this means you may only get four or five big tasks done in a day, those tasks were worked on with the highest level of efficiency.
Turn off notifications
It’s incredibly easy to be distracted during the work day, and even easier when you’re working from home. One way to combat this is to turn off notifications on your phone. Every time your phone screen lights up, you’re compelled to pick it up and then end up spending too much time scrolling through social media. Without notifications popping up, you’re less likely to be distracted by them. If you’re worried you’ll miss something significant during this time, you can change your settings to only be shown notifications from specific contacts. Once the task at hand is completed, feel free to check out what you missed on your phone.
Stick to a routine
While some people like the lack of structure that comes with working from home, other people thrive under structured routines. If you’re one of those people, create your own routine. Without a routine, you’re more likely to spend a majority of your day bouncing from small task to small task and mistaking things as urgent. Because you’re not confined to an office structure, you can create a routine that works the best for you. Spend time figuring out a system that makes the most sense to you and stick to it.
Tidy up
Keeping your home office organized and clean will help you to stay productive and avoid distractions. Set aside some time once a week to clean out the clutter that’s accumulated. Having a clean workspace will help you to feel more relaxed. Clutter makes us feel stressed and takes our mind away from the task out hand. Merely keeping your workspace organized will help you to perform better.