by Jimmy Lustig | Mar 26, 2021 | Blog, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership
By almost any metric, Bill Gates is among the most successful individuals of the last hundred years. While he is perhaps most famous for his long run as the richest person in the world, he has also made a number of more tangible contributions to human society. From...
by Jimmy Lustig | Mar 12, 2021 | Blog, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership
The secret to a productive and healthy workplace is an effective leadership style. We can think about this using an image of a teacher and her/his students. If the teacher does not put enough effort into teaching the students, we can expect them to perform poorly on...
by Jimmy Lustig | Feb 17, 2021 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership, Uncategorized
Lots of people buy into the harmful, untruthful notion that success is borne of obsession. People think that to launch a new business, they need to think about nothing else daily. In reality, this prescription will only lead to burnout, exhaustion, and emotional...
by Jimmy Lustig | Feb 17, 2021 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership, Uncategorized
With 42 percent of the U.S. labor force working from home and a nearly unimaginable 81 percent of the global workforce having had workplaces fully or partly closed, it may seem like the time to curl up and watch television. But think: You may have no commute, and if...
by Jimmy Lustig | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership, Uncategorized
Everyone has heard the same old song and dance. Work smarter, not harder. Stop spending so much time on social media. Don’t waste time in meetings. Sure, this is all good advice, but it may not be realistic for everyone. Some people need an approach to productivity...