by Jimmy Lustig | Apr 25, 2022 | Blog, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership
Having engaged and loyal employees is very important to a company’s success. High turnover can affect a company’s profitability and cause it to lose talent. One way to retain and motivate employees is by regularly promoting professional development. This...
by Jimmy Lustig | Feb 17, 2021 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership, Uncategorized
Lots of people buy into the harmful, untruthful notion that success is borne of obsession. People think that to launch a new business, they need to think about nothing else daily. In reality, this prescription will only lead to burnout, exhaustion, and emotional...
by Jimmy Lustig | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership, Uncategorized
Everyone has heard the same old song and dance. Work smarter, not harder. Stop spending so much time on social media. Don’t waste time in meetings. Sure, this is all good advice, but it may not be realistic for everyone. Some people need an approach to productivity...
by Jimmy Lustig | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership
Dr. Mike McDonald of the Gallup Founders addressed the Q10 elements that having a best friend in a workplace streamlines your future. Why am I saying this? It’s because a “best friend” will always give you some form of motivation, care, and...
by Jimmy Lustig | Dec 15, 2020 | Blog, James Lustig, Jimmy Lustig, Leadership, Uncategorized
Every big and small business manager acts as a role model for their staff. Their attitude and behaviors towards work and colleagues set the standards of what is expected from others. If a manager treats everyone with respect and delivers exceptional service to...